What is Vispeahen ?
Vispeahen is a data analysis platform that has emerged as a result of data warehouse, business intelligence, software experience know-how over 15 years. Vispeahen transforms and visualizes the ever-increasing and growing data into meaningful information that can be used in strategic decisions. Vispeahen differs from all other visulization products by adding new graphics as plugins, visualizing different data sources in the same model, working in distributed architecture, working under high load, quering and reporting on metadata of image files. With Vispeahen, the data can be visualized easily, quickly and aesthetically, and can be viewed on any desktop or mobile device in any location in the World, with any internet browser without installation.
Effective Visualization
Analysis in heterogeneous environments and visulization of different data sources in the same model.
Integrated With
Big Data
Reporting and visualization on Big Data
Web Based Modelling
Connection from any location in the World without installation using any any internet browser.
Integrated With Autonomous Database
Connection and visualization with Autonomous Databeses
Data Streaming Analysis
Realtime Data Streaming
Data analysis and reporting of real time data streaming.
Machine Learning
Prediction on streaming and stored data with using machine learning algorithms.
Create Dynamic Dashboards
Integration with Big Data
Ability to work with different data sources
Ability to perform Geographical Data Analysis
Ability to work in Distributed Architecture
Web-based Data Modeling
Multimedia Metadata Query Feature
Web Interface
Multi-Language Support
Possibility to Run Parallel Query
Running multiple reports simultaneously in the same session
Ability to read data directly from CSV files , from files with Json (non-structured data type) data type and from files in parquet structure without the need for any database
Creating dashboards from different Data Sources like Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSql, MongoDB, Apache Hadoop, Apache Kafka
Ability to query from more than one data source with a join relationship for the same dashboard
Making warning definitions (conditional formatting),text and background color change, icon addition
Adding shadow to the plugins in the reports and background color to the report
Preview of the report
Ensuring that the information clicked on the Dashboard is used as a parameter
Ability to have the necessary Interface for displaying maps
By adding two topojson layers in the thematic map components used, the end user can see the data from summary to detail and from detail to summary by zooming in-zoom out between these layers.
Graphs/Dashboards can be created with the data on CSV
Saving the reports in excel, pdf file format
Developing a report through streaming real-time data and updating that in the user interface
Line-based authorization
Role-based authorization
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